Sunday, October 02, 2005

Help, I'm drowning!

Wow, this has been some week. The kind of week that makes me thank God that I'm here, and at the same time, wonder WHY ON EARTH AM I HERE!?!?!?! I'll tell you about each in succession:

Tuesday, our reading for logic class was an essay by Ken Myers, Christianity, Culture, and Common Grace. I believe he's Reformed, but you don't have to agree with Reformed theology to agree with the point of this essay. I didn't read the whole thing (we were only assigned a couple of sections, which I did read [mostly]) but I don't think he actually gets much into theology. The question he's trying to answer is how we as Christians should relate to culture. I think he does a very good job. This essay goes along nicely with the "Faith and Reason" lecture that Dr. Bates gave here a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, all this has me thinking, where else could I be where I would get to learn this kind of stuff? I am very thankful to be here.

But, of course, it's not all so exciting. Thanks in no small part to doing way more goofing off than I should have, I've fallen behind in my classes. And Friday I realized that this week I have two exams (one on an entire book for History, and a Latin midterm!) and a logic paper. Oh, and I didn't quit chorale, and this week play rehearsals start in earnest. HELP, I'M DROWNING!!!

1 comment:

David said...

I knoooow the feeling.

And I absolutely loved that article. . . it was my favorite reading of my first semester. It was complete, utter brilliance.