Monday, October 17, 2005

Random(ish) Musings

Just a "trainwreck stew" of leftover thoughts from the weekend:

  • Got a lot of exercise this Saturday, and it felt very good. Bike ride with Hannah in the morning (gorgeous weather!), contra dance in the evening (and I even managed to have some fun! My feet however...). Oh, and I went to the LVHS homecoming game. Man, it had been way too long since I had been to a high school football game!

  • I think God's trying to tell me I need to be praying for people a lot more than I am. That was (roughly) the topic of Pastor Van's sermon yesterday, then in the afternoon I talked with a friend on IM who is needing a lot of prayer, and then last night after the student worship session I stuck around for the prayer groups, and guess what message came through to me loud and clear? So please, drop me a line and let me know how to pray for you.

  • I thank God for friends who are willing to "speak the truth in love," and for the gracious forgiveness of friends who have been offended.


Anonymous said...

Trainwreck stew.... That reminds me of that episode from Adventures in Odyssey... Where Eugene orders the "Train Wreck Special"

As for exercise, I need some more probably... The contradance was amazingly fun!

As for prayer, it's one of my favorite things. I'm not sure why, but I just love to pray, alot... I wish I was that fervent about other things...*cough* So by all means direct your prayer requests here too :-) For all purposes though, I do need some prayer...

Finals are almost over!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how God tends to teach us the same lesson over and over again, and uses unrelated things throughout the day to pound it into our head. God is good. Hope you're doing well, and I'll continue to pray for spiritual growth (we all need it). God bless,


Anonymous said...

Finals?!? Ummm... Paul... I hate to tell you this, I really do... :-D Actually, finals are easier than midterms.