Wednesday, October 12, 2005

"My soul is too much charged with blood of thine already"

Talk about realism in a play. Maybe we've solved our stage-blood problem. Just use real blood!

See, we were practicing the fight scene between Macbeth and Macduff (myself), and, well, let's just say I don't know why we didn't realize earlier that we shouldn't be grappling with a real dagger. Yeah.

I got stabbed in the thigh, and the knife went in about 3/4 of an inch. I'ts really not that bad, but I ended up going to the ER and getting four stitches. But really, I'm fine, so don't worry. Now if I can just keep Hannah from doing anything to Bales...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, who needs Method Acting when you can just do the real thing, right? At least you won't need to act as much for that scene now that you know what it really feels like...

Seriously, Nathan, I'm sorry I let it happen at all, even if it IS "good advertising" as Ben termed it...

Anonymous said...

It was rather dramatic...

Love your heading by the way...

Pinon Coffee said...

Macbeth may never be able to say that line with a straight face again.

When the dagger first collided with you, I didn't realize it was real; I thought you were just acting very well. I had no idea real blood looked like that on a dagger, nor that it spread across denim so fast. Blood really does "blossom." I would really have been quite as happy with lesser "acting" and continued ignorance...

You're an awfully good sport. Thanks. I'm counting it as a major mercy nothing worse happened.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness...
I CERTAINLY hope you're ok, and that you're not in any pain. Leastwise, not too much. lol

I'll pray for you MacDuff

Nathan said...

No, no pain really. Thanks for the prayer, though. BTW, who are you, "anonymous"?