Thursday, October 13, 2005

Thank You

I am remiss. There are a few things which I neglected to mention in my most recent post, and I have been reminded of them several times since then.

First of all, thanks to everyone who helped out last night. I would like to especially thank John (aka SuperRoomate), Caleb, Jonathan (both of you), Tobin, Philip, Paul, and of course all the security guys, particularly John Crutcher. I'm sorry if I seemed kind of annoyed with the whole process, I know you guys were doing what was best.

Second, thanks to everybody for your concern. I'm sorry if I seem to tire of telling people I'm fine. I would be asking too, if somebody else was stabbed.

And most importantly, I thank God that this happened to wake us up before Tobin got stuck through the gut or some other awful thing occurred.

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