Saturday, October 22, 2005

Articles, Football, and Curfew Passes

Unbelievable. Today was one of the longest days I can remember, but it was also one of the best.

Last night, I didn't have my article for journalism class done. By 12:30, I was pretty much stuck, and decided just to sit on my bed for a minute and think.

When I woke up, it was 7:10. The article was due at 9, I had to be at work by 8:30, and I couldn't see much structure at all in the way I had the article written so far. Somehow, by the grace of God, I managed to get what I think was a half-decent story finished and sent in at 8:25. I threw on some clothes, and ran to get to work on time. I made it, but didn't have time for even a bite of breakfast.

So then, after a day filled with professors saying crazy things (not to mention a few weird things I said in class), I finally reached the moment I had been waiting for for so long.

John, Hannah, Jessica Runk and I went to John's home, hung around for a little while, and then went to see John's alma mater, Robinson High School (which I have now officially adopted), play a football game. It was a great game, with the RHS Rams coming out on top, 37-21. Then we went back to John's house and, among other things, watched The Court Jester, which I hadn't seen in way too long. We had a great time (have I mentioned that John's got some great brothers?), and ended up staying late enough that John and I had to use curfew passes for the first time to get back in. We had so much fun that (as Daniel H. said earlier) it should be illegal (but I'm glad it's not).

Coming soon: A picture of the blood-stained dagger that did open my flesh. Stay tuned to DNN (DarthNaterNews), we'll keep you advised.


David said...

ah, i remember it.

freedom's paper from 6:00pm - 6:00am.
sleep 6:00am - 7:00am.
journalism article from 7:00am - 7:45am.
class at 8:00 am.

that was the day i realized PHC is not the university of texas.

hang in there, buddy.

( and hey, if you ever need idea or editing help, feel free to send it to me. . . i edit for people in your class a lot. :-)

Campeador said...


Just for the record, you people are far too obsessed with that blood-letting incident.

I don't necessarily blame you.

Nathan said...

Hey, I agree completely. However, I do think the picture of the dagger is cool.

Oh, and thanks for the offer, David. I'll probably need to take you up on it sometime.