Saturday, November 26, 2005

Thanks to God

Happy Thanksgiving! OK, I know it's late, but, oh well. I'm spending the break at John's house, and we're having a great time. He's got three younger brothers and one younger sister at home, and they are absolutely great. I've been eating real home-cooked meals, including a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, and of course leftovers (But Hannah, I still want some Nutty Yam Bake, Cranberry Salad, and Pecan Pie when I get back to campus). I can't wait to get home! Just a few more weeks of school. Oh, but they're going to be the longest weeks of my life.

Thank you, God, for being my strength, 'cause I ran out a loooong time ago.


Anonymous said...

Pecan Pie......


Yes, even us northerners love Pecan Pie!

Anonymous said...

I definitely echo your last statement! My suspicion is that
"they" conspire to make PHC so hard that students can only survive by relying on God's strength. :-D

E E Holmes said...

The Nutty Yam Bake, Pecan Pie, and especially the cranberry salad were excellent. We all ate some on your behalf at Dr. & Mrs. Smith's house. Your sister cooks well.