Thursday, November 10, 2005

I'm tired...

...and I have a lot of work to do. Today I worked from 8:30 until chapel and then after chapel until noon. Had a kinda crazy day at work (for those of you who don't know, I work at the reception desk). I answered a bunch of calls requesting a free CD that had been offered on the radio. I knew nothing about it, and they seemed to think the phone number was for someplace other than PHC. Turned out this guy had been on a radio show and accidentally given out the PHC number instead of the one he meant to. Crazy.

So then right after work, I grabbed a sandwich and left for DC with six other students. There was supposed to be something going down in the senate today about Social Security reform. Senators Santorum and DeMint were going to present two bills on the floor. The group Students for Saving Social Security had made kind of a big deal out of it, and I thought it would probably make a good news story for next week's assignment. Well, to make a long story short, it didn't happen because they took too long debating the bill that came before it. So while we were all disappointed, we at least got to have a tour of the Capitol building and sit in the gallery for a little while.

We were supposed to leave about 5, because I had to get back by 7 for play rehearsal. Well, we were about ready to leave, but we hadn't eaten (we had been told that a group was going to provide pizza, but oops, no go), so we stopped at the Metro station and sat down to eat. That took a while. We finally got back about 8:30. Fortunately I had warned Carolyn I would be a little late, and she was very nice about it.

The day was a lot of fun, I got to ride the metro for the first time, go inside the Capitol, and have a good time with the other people that went. Still, it was long, I missed Logic, and I didn't get any work done on the two papers that are due early next week, one of which I've barely started and the other of which I haven't.

Anyway, I have lots of homework to do, and I need to get a good amount of sleep tonight.

Oh, and I didn't even mention some of the more serious things from today. Please pray for a friend who's facing some disciplinary measures. After all that talk about needing to pray for people more, this happens, and I realize that even though this is one guy I had no excuse not to be praying for, I fell down on the job. God's still teaching me. Pray that I won't be too stubborn to learn. Thanks.

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