Sunday, November 20, 2005

It's over?

I can't believe it. After months of work, it's over. It's a relief in some ways, but it's also kinda sad. I have a lot of great memories, and I got to know a lot of people a lot better than I would have without having done the play. Overall, it was an amazing experience. Here are a few pics (courtesy of the amazing Aaron Gray). Hopefully there will be a lot more later.

Macbeth staring at his bloody hands after the murder of King Duncan

Jim Wilson as Macduff's son

Malcolm, son of Duncan and rightful heir to the throne, speaks with Macduff

Well, there are a lot more I could post, but some of them will have to wait. I just have to mention one thing before I go, though. This wouldn't have been possible at all without God's grace. It was so evident in everything, including just making it through each night. Tonight, seconds before I was supposed to be on stage for a scene, I was coughing ridiculously, and I was just sure I wasn't going to make it through my lines. I asked God just to let me make it through that scene, and immediately, and I mean immediately, my throat cleared up entirely. I didn't have any more problems with it until about ten minutes after the play was over, when I started hacking my lungs out. It was incredible. God, please do not let me take the credit for any of this, may I rather direct all praise to You.

Non nobis, Domine, Domine, non nobis, Domine, sed nomini, sed nomini, tuo da gloriam.

Not to us, O Lord, O Lord, not to us, O Lord, but to your name, but to your name give the glory.


Anonymous said...

Awesome Job Nathan!
I'm not joking; you were incredible!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Nathan, you, Bales, the witches, and Emily are the ones who people keep telling me consistently were their favorite actors. You're "crying scene" was incredible every single night.

And thank you for being wise enough to give God all the Glory. He deserves it. I'm sure there's more than one guardian angel walking around with a long, sword-shaped bruise meant for you today... :-)