Saturday, November 19, 2005


Wow. I really can't write a proper post right now, but suffice it to say that the first two nights of Macbeth went amazingly well. Thank you, God! And thanks of course also to Carolyn and Maggie, the rest of the cast, the stage crew, the costume mistresses, the blood technician, and yes, even the makeup people. I've had quite a week, what with late papers, overdue library books, and every single day feeling like Friday. And yet, the payoff is tremendous. I honestly think it's all been worth it for the play. I'll post more thoroughly when I can get a couple of pics up.


Campeador said...

"...even the makeup people" - I feel your pain, man. Been there, done that.

Anonymous said...

It's been great Macduff! Knock 'em dead tonight!