Friday, May 26, 2006

Temporarily in my temporal home

Well, I'm back. But not for long. I'm enjoying the dry heat (it's been in the mid-90s), the company (the wackiest family on planet earth), and the food (real home cooking, including my dad's incomparable hamburgers and bbq pulled pork sandwiches). Soon, though, I'll be back on the cool East Coast, learning possibly more than I did this school year. This summer, I have been entrusted with two important responsibilities. I'll be a counselor for 14-18 year old boys at PHC's Teen Camps, with the responsibility to keep them in line and help them learn and grow. While I'm there, I'll also be teaching the junior high boys' sunday school class at my church. I'm trying to work on the lessons now, so hopefully that won't take up too much more time than Sunday mornings.

Please pray that in these positions of leadership I will be a godly role model for these young men. I don't claim to have any special abilities on my own, but I think that God can use me to help these boys learn something about Him.

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