Friday, May 19, 2006


Well, I'm done with freshman year. Had quite an interesting evening tonight. Went to a chili supper/contra dance in a barn near here, but didn't dance (there were far more guys than girls; must have been the promise of food). Climbed in the rafters a lot, climbed on an old stone wall, and climbed all the way to the top of a silo. Then went to St. Pete's with several friends for a bit of swing dancing and just hanging out, then went to McDonald's and walked up to the drive-thru window. Walked down to Food Lion, talked to the lady who was about to close up, then we all came back to campus. Watched a couple of episodes of Get Smart; it had been way too long since I saw that. Now I think I'm going to drag my tired self into bed for the first meaningful rest in a long time. Look for a thoughful post coming soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like you guys had alot of fun. *glares and growls at the packing mess in her room which prevented her from coming too*
St. Pete's is great for those impromptu dance-parties, ain't it? :-D