Monday, May 29, 2006

"He sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous alike"

or Panem Nostrum Cotidianum

Oklahoma has had one of its worst droughts in a long time over the last several months. We’ve been through burn bans, wildfires, and poor crops, and everyone has seemed glum about the upcoming harvest. Wheat prices have skyrocketed, because most people won’t be getting very much wheat at all off of their fields. Today, we had our wheat cut. Unbelievably, our yield was not nearly as low as we expected, and we ended up with a decent crop from our small three acre field. Then this evening, the rain came. Sheets of rain, buckets of it: whatever clichéd superlatives you want to add, they apply. The dry ground soaked it up like I had guzzled water earlier this afternoon after several hours in the 95 degree heat.

I heard a particularly good mini-sermon yesterday evening (I rather enjoy my pastor’s sermons) about the way God provides for us even when we’re sleeping. Lately we’ve encountered a lot of problems at once, and it has seemed as if we simply can’t keep up. My dad, however, knows how to practice what he preaches (for those of you who might not know, he’s my pastor), and he has continued to trust the Heavenly Father through everything. As a matter of fact, because he was off work today, we went and played a round of golf. It was only after we returned that we learned about our good crop of wheat, and then after my family watched a movie together (a rather corny one, but still good to watch with my family) the rain began. God knows what we need, and He will provide for us. He loves us and truly wants what is best for us, whether or not it is what we think is best. Only when we learn to relax, stop trying to earn everything for ourselves, and trust Him can we experience everything that He has for us.


Lisa Adams said...

Hey :).

So glad to hear about the rain. Looking forward to seeing you back soon!

Pinon Coffee said...

RAIN IS AWESOME STUFF. And I'm delighted your wheat harvest was good, too. :-)

Blessings go with you on your teaching and counseling. I think you're going to have a rockin' awesome summer.

Anonymous said...

That is some particularly sound insight. It's hard to sit back and let God be in control, it's so much more natural to run around trying to force everything to work right.

- Mandy L.

P.S. I hope when Rain stopped by your place for a visit he didn't bring his obnoxious friends, Hail and Gale-force Winds.