Saturday, April 01, 2006

"Pray Without Ceasing"

This is a tough post to write. Most of you know the situation that's going on here right now. It seems to get worse every day. Today has got to have been the worst day of it all. The worst moment came this afternoon, but not in one of the announcements or anything like that. One of my professors who is leaving has a running joke in class about how he will pay $100 to the first person from the class to name their child after a certain grammar construction. The subject came up again this afternoon, and the professor glibly said, "Now it could be $500, because you won't know me then." Class went on as normal. But I couldn't help being hit hard by that statement. We won't know him. He's not only leaving, but it seems as if all ties are being severed. How sad.

It seems that through this all, there is almost no desire on the part of many people for reconciliation. I'm not blaming anyone in particular here, but I can't help thinking of what a horrible witness we're being. It's disgusting.

There are too many Christians/Who don't talk to each other/They're not acting like brothers/They're not loving at all/They refuse confrontation/They choose gossip and slander/For solutions meander/Well they're in for a fall

We can't keep going on like this every day/Hear what I say

Let's get together/Let's stop the fighting/Let's start uniting/Whoa, whoa, whoa/Let's get together/Let's stop the fighting/Let's start uniting/Whoa, whoa, whoa

There're too many people/Who don't know the Savior/They see our behavior/is not what it should be/So let's get together/No more fussing and fighting/We need love and uniting/To be one family

We can't keep going on like this every day/Hear what I say

It's time we stop the fighting/And start giving our love to each other/Oh don't you know that they're never gonna/See how we're lovin' our Lord/Unless we're givin' our love to each other

Let's get together/Let's stop the fighting/Let's start uniting/Whoa, whoa whoa/Let's get together/Let's stop the fighting/Let's start uniting/Whoa, whoa, whoa

--"Let's Get Together" by Keith Lancaster, Bill Spencer, and Rodney Britt

I'd like to ask you all to be praying hard. There are many scripture verses I could use right here, but I like the way the song "Let Us Pray" by Steven Curtis Chapman puts it:

Let us pray, let us pray, everywhere in every way/Every moment of the day, it is the right time/Let us pray without end and when we finish start again/Like breathing out and breathing in, let us pray


Pinon Coffee said...

Yeah...things are definitely looking depressing. But I just can't believe that God will let everything fall apart. He doesn't do that. He may take the school apart for our good: but that's not the same, and I just don't think He's going to. He's here, and He called us here, and He's working, and we should definitely keep praying. We are well taken care of.

Anonymous said...

You're right Nathan, prayer is vital. God is the ultimate source of strength. I've found that the Psalms are very encouraging and powerful. Here's one....
Psalm 116: 1,2,9 "I love the LORD, because He hears my voice and my
supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I shall call upon Him as long as I live.... (9)I shall walk before the LORD in the land of the living."

Anonymous said...

Nathan - I appreciated that. My only advice is to take everything you hear with a grain of salt. It's a small world at PHC and if you listen to everything, you'll go insane before junior year. Keep what you know upfront and remind yourself of what's true. :-)

Campeador said...

Reconciliation may happen, but the abuses have still occured. Pray all you want - also try to determine the truth here. After Farris fired Stacey the little respect I had for our president evaporated very quickly.

You're the journalist, man - think hard about this stuff. Respect for authority doesn't mean that we can't ask hard questions and make harsh judgment calls when they're called for.

Incidentally, a reliable source just told me that Farris has said the only reason to study philosophers is to understand unbiblical worldviews. His view of the classical liberal arts is very different from our professors.

As you know, I'm very sympathetic to people who are leaving PHC over this issue. You're only a freshmen - choose wisely and in prayer.