Monday, April 17, 2006

Of Espionage and Abductions

The chief problem with writing a history paper on Whittaker Chambers is that his autobiography, Witness, is so interesting that I get caught up reading the whole thing rather than focusing on the really important parts. One of the anecdotes reminded me of Benjamin Gibson. Chambers describes a time when he was in hiding from the Communist party and decided to buy a gun for protection.
As we entered Baltimore, I stopped at Montgomery Ward's and bought a shotgun. It looked big enough to fell an elephant and the clerk warned me that the kick might knock me down. "Just what do you want it for?" he asked me. What I wanted it for was so much in the front of my brain that I felt as if I had been caught with my thoughts down and fumbled "Well, I think there are prowlers around the house and a gun might come in handy." His reaction was completely different from what I expected. He was a Southerner with the fine abandon some Southerners have about firearms and related matters. "Well, sir," he said with immense pleasure, "you've bought the right gun. Just hold it in front of you, squeeze the trigger, and, brother, it will be fay-ya-you-well."

On a slightly related note, clandestine activities took place at PHC over the weekend. Five men abducted an unidentified young man to take him to his surprise 22nd birthday party. The abductors grabbed him from his room, duct taped his hands behind his back, put a pillowcase over his head, and stuffed him in the trunk of a black two door coupe. The driver then proceeded to peel out from the school with another abductor riding shotgun, wearing a ski mask and carrying an airsoft carbine. They took the victim to St. Peter's Episcopal Church where the party was being held, and cameras captured their arrival:

This man is believed to be the no. 1 wheelman of the operation:

No further clues as to the identity of the group have been discovered.


Pinon Coffee said...

Oh, wow. I love the Chambers story; it's very us. And I enjoyed your rendition of Garboczi's party, too. :-) You'll have to be the historian of all such events once Christy and I graduate. :-)

Campeador said...

Awesome. However, could you please preserve my anonymity in this rendition? I'm trying to reduce my Google signature.

Nice kidnapping. :)

Nathan said...

Done. Sorry about that.

And thanks. :)