Sunday, September 03, 2006

"Dead, I tell you..."

Ok, so this is a little bit overdue, but my dad had a birthday a couple of days ago (yes, it's just two days if you're in the central time zone). "I was dead! Dead, I tell you, dead, and now I'm alive!" Or not. Anyway, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you once again, dad, for being such a good example of a godly man to me.

He earned his love
Through discipline
A thundering, velvet hand
His gentle means of sculpting souls
Took me years to understand

I thank you for the music
And your stories of the road
I thank you for the freedom
When it came my time to go
I thank you for the kindness
And the times when you got tough
And papa, I don't think
I said "I love you" near enough

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