Friday, February 17, 2006

VA Roads

Part of a recent IM conversation between Hannah and myself:

VaderNater: whoever plans the roads around here should be taken out and shot
VaderNater: and then hanged
Hannah: :-)
Hannah: and quartered
VaderNater: yeah
Hannah: and burned
VaderNater: yeah
Hannah: and decapitated
VaderNater: good idea

I notice no one else seemed quite as excited about my last post as I am. Yes, I realize it's highly unlikely that the Marlins will leave Miami. I also realize that if they do, it doesn't mean they're coming to OKC. Still...oh well, I'm sure most of you just flat out don't care. *sigh*


Anonymous said...

You do know that I live for MLB I hope.......

Pinon Coffee said...

I'm sorry. I am abominably undereducated about...all sports, actually. I'm glad they interest you. :-)

Campeador said...

I should probably start commenting more on your blog... revenge, you know. :) Seriously, thanks for the comments.

Anyway, the roads around here started out as little Indian tracks and such, which may explain their nature. Out West there were less obstacles, precedent, and more room to plot out straighter routes.

Anonymous said...

I love the quote Nathan:).