Thursday, February 23, 2006

Confessions of a Reluctant Geek; Macbeth Revisited

Yes, I hate to admit it, but I realized tonight that I'm becoming a complete geek. It hit me when I was reading Hugh Blair's critique of the style of Mr. Addison--and I realized that I was enjoying it immensely. Mr. Blair's work, full of praise (yet not without criticism) for Addison, was truly interesting and delighting me. Dude, that was freaky! Perhaps I ought to get a pair of glasses with my current prescription so I can start wearing them all the time. Anyway, besides that, I'm really getting out of shape, and I have been neglecting the athletic pursuits (read: I ain't been working out or playin' ball enough). I have started working out regularly again, however, and today I played pick-up basketball with some guys, which was enough to convince me that I haven't lost my competitive drive, at least.

In other news, I just got some more pictures of Macbeth from Ben Gibson (thanks, Ben!), two of which I shall now post for your amusement and instruction (well, okay, maybe not instruction, but it sounded good).

Macduff and his son (myself and Jim Wilson) prepare to take on the bloody tyrants of the world

Hannah putting makeup on me (notice, if you will, the gleeful grin on her face and the look of frustration on mine)


DaughterofGrace said...

Re: The last pic

Awwwwwww. So cute! Warm fuzzies :-)

Pinon Coffee said...

Wouldst be so kind as to forward any and all Macbeth pics to me? :-D If you need more, they're all on my get file.

Campeador said...

Girls get a power high from applying makeup to men. Believe me - I once had a freshmen attempt to poke my eyeballs out with a thing euphemistically called "eyeshadow pencil."

I'm already getting nervous about probably P&P torture.

Anonymous said...

This is an interesting point you bring up, Josh. I'm sure as Sir William you'll need a lot of alteration for wrinkles and such. Maybe I should tell Lisa I'm willing to help with makeup application. . .;)


Anonymous said...

Josh, will you put that "eye almost lost to a marauding freshman girl with an eyebrow pencil" story to rest??

I guess we know the secret to his strength now, ladies . . . what an easy way to get a man's knees knocking. *pulls out eyebrow pencil and approaches Red Hill with a malicious grin*

Pinon Coffee said...

::laughs and rolls eyes:: Gentlemen, I am thrilled y'all don't want to wear makeup and astounded at your griping on those occasions it's necessary.

It's not a power play on the part of all females, but y'all's reaction is an appeal to sin nature, like making a fuss about pink shirts and bow ties: if you complain, it will give us a huge incentive to inflict it on you as frequently as possible. (We're not perfectly sanctified, alas!)

Stage makeup is not that big a deal. Really. You're men enough to handle it. You're the ones who run round with three-foot blades and wrestle each other on balcones and stuff. :-)

Campeador said...

And yes, anonymous, I've consciously obsessed about that story for a full year now. Sorry, it's just the Wooster in me. :-]

Anonymous said...

You liked that reading??????
Ummmmmmmm.... ok.............

"Here, we can see that the author is using HORRIBLE prose! Why did such a good writer as him use the word "the" in this case? This is unthinkable!"

Nathan said...

Carolyn, I'm perfectly willing to subject myself to wearing makeup for a proper cause (the only one of which I can think is a play), but believe me, chasing someone around with a hunk of steel while yelling at the top of your lungs is a lot more fun than having makeup put on you, precisely because it's so much more dangerous.

And Kenny, if nothing else, you should at least think Blair is funny.

E E Holmes said...

Nathan: Absolutely on the sword thing. Running and screaming with the sword goes way beyond the application of cosmetics on the "enjoyment" meter. In fact, I don't think cosmetics even rate.

*sigh* I miss the stage fights. I miss directing the stage fights. I want a violent play.