Thursday, February 23, 2006

Confessions of a Reluctant Geek; Macbeth Revisited

Yes, I hate to admit it, but I realized tonight that I'm becoming a complete geek. It hit me when I was reading Hugh Blair's critique of the style of Mr. Addison--and I realized that I was enjoying it immensely. Mr. Blair's work, full of praise (yet not without criticism) for Addison, was truly interesting and delighting me. Dude, that was freaky! Perhaps I ought to get a pair of glasses with my current prescription so I can start wearing them all the time. Anyway, besides that, I'm really getting out of shape, and I have been neglecting the athletic pursuits (read: I ain't been working out or playin' ball enough). I have started working out regularly again, however, and today I played pick-up basketball with some guys, which was enough to convince me that I haven't lost my competitive drive, at least.

In other news, I just got some more pictures of Macbeth from Ben Gibson (thanks, Ben!), two of which I shall now post for your amusement and instruction (well, okay, maybe not instruction, but it sounded good).

Macduff and his son (myself and Jim Wilson) prepare to take on the bloody tyrants of the world

Hannah putting makeup on me (notice, if you will, the gleeful grin on her face and the look of frustration on mine)

Friday, February 17, 2006

VA Roads

Part of a recent IM conversation between Hannah and myself:

VaderNater: whoever plans the roads around here should be taken out and shot
VaderNater: and then hanged
Hannah: :-)
Hannah: and quartered
VaderNater: yeah
Hannah: and burned
VaderNater: yeah
Hannah: and decapitated
VaderNater: good idea

I notice no one else seemed quite as excited about my last post as I am. Yes, I realize it's highly unlikely that the Marlins will leave Miami. I also realize that if they do, it doesn't mean they're coming to OKC. Still...oh well, I'm sure most of you just flat out don't care. *sigh*

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Lieutenant governor talking to MLB team

The Oklahoman

With the success of the NBA basketball, could Major League Baseball be in Oklahoma's future?
Lieutenant Governor Mary Fallin thinks so. She has been in discussions with officials from the Florida Marlins, who are looking to relocate their team.

Jeff Loria, the owner of the Marlins, is the former owner of the Triple-A Oklahoma City 89ers.
Fallin first wrote to Marlin president David Samson last November and has spoken with Marlins vice chairman Joel Mael.

"It's all very preliminary, but I have received some good feedback from the Marlins," Fallin said.

"The Marlins have asked for some more detailed information and we are working to put that together for them," she said.

"Obviously one strong sales point has been the tremendous success of the NBA Hornets in Oklahoma City this season. We are suddenly on the map for big league sports."

The Marlins are looking for a new stadium deal in Miami and voters may ultimately decide the issue this fall. Until then, the team has been granted permission from Major League Baseball to explore relocation.

"They are looking at several cities, but I think we are in the mix," Fallin said.

"I thought, Why not Oklahoma City? We're filling the Ford Center for the Hornets and we ought to be able to convert that enthusiasm to welcome baseball, too."

The Marlins have already met with officials from San Antonio, Portland, Ore. and Norfolk, Va.
The Marlins' lease agreement to play at Dolphins Stadium expires after the 2010 season.

Oklahoma City is currently home to the Oklahoma RedHawks, the Triple-A team of the Texas Rangers. The team plays at the Bricktown Ballpark, considered one of the best stadiums in the minor leagues. Last year, the stadium hosted a pair of games between the St. Louis Cardinals and Baltimore Orioles.