Saturday, September 24, 2005

One Week in the Life of Nathan Curbisovich

Well, let me see what highlights I can remember from this week.

Tuesday (Yeah, Monday was just...Monday)
  • Had a very cool extra session for the journalism majors today, which I was able to attend most of. A guy from American Family Radio came and taught us about radio journalism. Very interesting and lots of fun.
  • Today was my first rehearsal for Eden Troupe's fall production of "Macbeth." I'm playing Macduff, which means I get some really cool lines and I get to kill Macbeth(!!!). Only problem is I probably am not going to have time to keep doing chorale. I also found out that the rehearsal schedule changed, so instead of next Tuesday, the second rehearsal I had to be at was, well, Wednesday. And another one Thursday. And then next Monday. Yeah. Oh, well, it's a lot of fun.
  • There was a Bobtism for Daniel Archer.
  • A couch that showed up in our dorm lounge a couple of weeks ago went missing. Turned out the guys from Dorm 4 had taken it. So, about 11:00 or so, a bunch of D5 guys raided D4. Didn't get the couch, but had a great melee.


  • My first exam (mild scream of terror). And it was LATIN. But I'm still alive. As a matter of fact, I think I did pretty well.
  • At the play rehearsal, we went over the climactic scene when Macbeth and Macduff have their final showdown. We went over it several times until Jonathan (Macbeth) and I had our lines somewhat memorized. Then we borrowed some light swords from the fencing club and actually worked through the fight scene. WOW!!! This is going to be a BLAST!
  • Oh, and the Dorm War continued when, at about 5:15 this am, a bunch of our D5 guys raided D4 and got the couch.


  • The Battle of the Couch is over. Apparently the couch had originally come from D4, and some third party had moved it over here. Anyway, it officially must remain in D4 now.
  • I am really stupid. After the play rehearsal, I kinda wandered around for a while, thinking I didn't really have anything else to do. Around 11:15, I realized I hadn't written my journalism assignment that was due 9:00 Friday am. So I stayed up till about 2:30, and managed to get about 5 hours of sleep before I had to get up for work. Man.


  • I looked at my article before I sent it in, and I honestly couldn't tell if it was any good at all. Got it back in the afternoon, it was my best grade yet. Wow.
  • I am really stupid (whoa, deja vu). After getting through Friday (thanks in large part to a cup of mocha before my last class), I decided to go to bed about 9. HA! One thing after the other, and it was like, um, (1:30) before I went to bed. Oh, and did I mention that I knew all along I had to get up at 7:30 Saturday? Like I said, stupid.


  • Wow, today was fun. John and I went to watch his brother Joe compete in a cross country meet about 20 min. from here. It was a blast.
  • Bobtism for Izzy.
  • The Dorm War rages on! At about 10:00, a bunch of us from D5 raided D4, pillows in hand. It was the biggest pillow fight I have ever seen. Amazing.


Pinon Coffee said...

It WAS an awesome pillow fight. :-D

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you're having a blast there! I still need to come down sometime so you can show me a 'real' car :)

Nathan said...

Yeah, Michelle, you do. I assume you noticed my profile pic? Oh, and Carolyn, I liked your story about the battle. You oughtta be a war reporter. lol