Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Happy Birthday...

See you in a couple of days!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Two weeks...

...from today, I get to see a living member of my own beloved family once more! Yay!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Shane! Come Back!

I can't believe I never saw Shane before. It has to be the greatest Western I've ever seen. It has great fistfights and gunfights, but it's different from most Westerns in that it has a plot (and a good one at that), character development (even for the bad guy), and emotion. If you haven't seen it, all I can say is that you ought to. Shane is my new hero.

It also has some good quotes. Exemplia gratia:

Joe: "One thing a married man has gotta get used to is waitin' for women."
Joey: "Hurry up, ma!"
Joe: "Sometimes the waitin' is worth it. You take care, Shane, you get a woman that's worth waitin' for."

Shane: "Set 'em up, bartender. Two whiskeys. [to Chris] You bought me a drink the last time I was in here. Now I wanna buy you one."
Chris: "You ain't gonna drink that in here."
Shane: "You guessed it." [he throws one on Chris's shirt, the other in his face, and sends him reeling with a punch]

And of course:
Joey: "Shane! Come back!"

Monday, November 20, 2006

Memories of an Eventful Night

A PHC Security incident report has been recently disinterred from the mists of time by historians. Names have been hidden to protect the innocent, the guilty, and the just plain stupid.

Incident Report
Officer [JC]

Type: Medical Incident
Location: Town Hall, Dorm 1 Basement
Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Time: 2150 hours

A called was received on the security line stating that someone had been stabbed during Eden Troupe play practice. Upon arriving at the scene I found [Macduff] lying on the ground with a bandage on his right thigh surrounded by about ten people. [Young Siward] had bandaged him up. Mr. [Macduff] was accidentally stabbed by [Macbeth] with what appeared to be an ornamental, 10-inch dagger. I called Mr. [H] who directed me to remove the bandage and survey the wound. Mr. [Macduff] removed the bandage and the wound looked to be about an inch deep (judging by the length the blood had traveled on the tip of the dagger), an inch in length, and a quarter to a third of an inch across. There was no visible external bleeding although I worried about internal bleeding. I directed freshman [Angus], who is a volunteer firefighter and has completed the EMS course First Responders, to re-bandage Mr. [Macduff] while I called Mr. [H] back. He directed me to call [DA] and arrange transport for Mr. [Macduff] to Cornwall Hospital. [DA] arrived and went to Dean [W]'s office with S/O [G], relieving officer. I was unable to call [CT], RA on duty for Dorm 5, so [the priest] agreed to go to the hospital with [Ross] (driver), [Macduff], [Mabel Chiltern], and [the priest]. The dagger with blood on the tip of it, Mr. [Macduff]'s bloody jeans, and the other exposed bandages and
gloves were put in bags and taken to the hospital with Mr. [Macduff]. There was no blood on the ground or chairs.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Who am I?

I've decided on a course of action. I'm going to quit PHC, go to acting school, take voice lessons, and become a stage actor. One day I'll star in Les Miserables as Marius...or Javert...or one then the other. Oh, and of course I'd have to do Curly in Oklahoma. And Perchik in Fiddler on the Roof. Any more?

One problem with my plan...okay, two. Okay, more than that. First, I'd have to leave PHC, which would mean leaving a lot of really good friends. Besides, I love the journalism major--especially since we have Dr. Sillars. And I'm kind of naturally inclined toward finding things out (as Nick R. has discovered). And now the journalism major sounds better than ever: we have the option of taking upper level CLA courses rather than upper level government courses. Besides a history class, a lit class, and a writing class, that would mean taking a political theory class--more Dr. Mitchell! Of course, the biggest reason I can't leave (for now) is that I'm still convinced this is where I'm supposed to be. Until I'm convinced that God wants me somehwere else, I'm better off sticking it out here, even when I'm tired, frustrated, and I can't go on any more--In short, on Fridays.

I guess for now I just have to stick with listening to musicals on iTunes. Maybe eventually I'll even get to go see one.

Who am I?
Can I conceal myself for evermore?
Pretend I'm not the man I was before?
And must my name until I die
Be no more than an alibi?
Must I lie?
How can I ever face my fellow men?
How can I ever face myself again?
My soul belongs to God, I know
I made that bargain long ago
He gave me hope when hope was gone
He gave me strength to journey on

Who am I? Who am I?
I am Jean Valjean!