Thursday, January 26, 2006

I need space

I'm sitting here looking at my desktop, and it almost seems as if there can't actually be somewhere on this planet where there is so much beautiful open space and there aren't people around every corner. I like people, but it seems you can never get away from them out here. In the back of my mind, though, I know my backyard still exists. For those of you who haven't seen it (and even for those who have):

Actually, that's not the pic I was trying to upload, but it is beautiful. The other one kept having problems. I'll keep trying.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Just to let you know I haven't dropped off the face of the planet...

For those who wonder:

I am still alive, the grassfires in Oklahoma were nowhere near my house, and the semester is shaping up nicely. In fact, just today, I saw God provide once again. I was only scheduled to work 7.5 hours a week, and that was not going to be enough for me to pay this semester's tuition. However, today I was offered 5 hours a week working in the Tech dept., so I should be able to pay my school bill after all.

Classes are also looking like they're going to be very good this semester. We had a rather amusing incident in rhetoric class today. Dr. Smith didn't show up for a long time, and by a quarter after (when, I believe, students are technically allowed to leave class if the professor is absent) we were all rather curious as to where he could be. So Caleb Jones went down to his office, saw him inside, and knocked on the door. Dr. Smith looked up and said, "Yes, can I help you?" He had apparently been busy with something else and entirely forgotten about class. What made it funnier was that it just didn't seem like a Dr. Smith thing to do. Anyway, I think rhetoric is probably going to be one of my favorite two classes. Unfortunately, it will probably also be one of my most difficult two classes.

Well, it's getting kinda late, I think I'm gonna hit the sack.